Sir Ken Robinson has made his life's work a focus on creativity in education. I'm watching a video clip of Sir Ken speaking about creativity. He emphasised the unpredictability of the future for which we educate students.
We should treat creativity with the same importance we give to literacy.
Creativity is about taking chances, about being prepared to be wrong. By the time we reach adulthood, we have lost the desire to take chances. Picasso once said that all people are born artists. The problem is retaining the artistic ability. Sir Ken said we educate our students out of being creative.
What is the purpose of education? Do we intend the honouring of academic ability? Public education has been designed by universities in their image and likeness. We down play the value of creativity and the desire to be creative because they are not pragmatic. They do not led to jobs. However, the tide is turning.
The imagination has a major role to play in education. How we perceive reality determines our attitude towards education and the process of schooling.