Monday, November 21, 2011

Cultivating the Imagination

I have been reading A New Culture of Learning: Cultivating the Imagination for a World of Constant Change by DOUGLAS THOMAS and JOHN SEELY BROWN.
I was drawn to it by the title and their reference to the imagination as opposed to "cultivating imagination". The sense of purposiveness in the use of the definite article attracted my. I had deliberately chosen to do the same in my doctoral thesis. The imagination is more than a mental construct.

I found in the book a structured reflection on matters that concern me (education, teaching, learning, change, the digital world, knowledge, passion, the imagination, play). I am going to use this blog to reflect on the ideas that have challenged me and that I want to work into my efforts to re-think my approach to teaching and learning. I have chosen to post my thoughts here rather than in the security of my school's intranet because the system is clunky and the effort to provide such security works against what I think the internet can provide to the learning collective I want to belong to (which embraces and includes more than those with whom I work).

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