Pope John Paul II referred to catechesis as an "organic" way of initiating students "into the fullness of Christian life" (Catechesi tradendae, 18), therefore, what is taught about Christian faith must flow from a consideration of the reality of students' lives and must lead to opportunities to relate with Christ with an ever deeper appreciation for the gift of his presence in their lives.
The retreats complement the catechesis offered by the school through its use of the Chapel, through its daily prayer and through the liturgical celebrations, which involve the whole school, to name just a few aspects of the catechesis that happens in the life of the school. The life and work of St Maximilian Kolbe, as well as the example of the House Patrons, provide a rich source for contemplating the power of Christ present in the lives of his followers.
The following outline of retreats offered at each year level serves as a guide in the development of programmes, which meet the needs of students in each year level.
Year 7
Introductory 3 day residential retreat, which focuses on the theme of belonging
The retreat takes place in the first month of the academic year. The students learn a little about St Maximilian Kolbe and the Patron saints of our six Houses. What they learn should help them understand why prayer plays an important part in the life of the College.
Year 8
A 2 day non-residential retreat, which happens over a weekend, and which focuses on being a part of God's creation. The retreat is facilitated by the senior members of the Student Ministry Team who prepare for the retreat through making their own retreat. The Year 8 retreat takes place in the second half of the first term. Its focus is on being a "knowledge sponge" soaking up knowledge of God's creation.
Year 9
A 2 day non-residential retreat, which happens early in Term 2. The retreat will focus on emotional development. The context will be the peer group. The retreat programme will present students with the image of Jesus as the model of emotional maturity and provide them with prayer and meditation experiences related to the task of recognising, accepting and directing appropriately the emotions that people experience in every part of their lives.
Year 10
A 2 day non-residential retreat, which happens in the last week of Term 2 to coincide with the Year 12 retreat. The focus is "being an independent learner in God's kingdom". The context will be their growing awareness that people make moral decisions daily and that they need to form their consciences in order to make wise choices. Through the use of simulation, discussion, private reflection and meditation, the students will identify for themselves the principles on which they base their personal choices and be challenged by the principles that Jesus lived and taught.
Year 11
A 3-day residential retreat, which happens in Week 7 of Term 3. The focus is on building relationships through taking the risk to trust others. The retreat experience includes a structured reflection on the application of the College motto to their lives.
Year 12
A 3-day residential retreat, which happens in the last week of Term 2. The students engage in a series of reflections based on the Beatitudes. The retreat is designed to help them to choose principles for living open to the Spirit of God. Choosing to be open to goodness, honesty, generosity and compassion will be themes explored during the retreat.
Other retreats include:
- Student leaders' retreat
- Peer support leaders' retreat
- Student ministry team retreat
- Student liturgical ministry retreat
- YCS retreat
- Young Vinnies retreat
Each of these retreats addresses the areas of responsibility undertaken by students in the roles associated with each area. This is done in the context of the Gospel. Each retreat provides opportunities for encounters with Christ in ways that are creative and prayerful.
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