Saturday, August 21, 2010

Celebrating the Feast of St Maximilian Kolbe

The Feast of St Maximilian Kolbe is celebrated on August 14. Kolbe was born in Poland on January 28, 1894. He died in Auschwitz on August 14, 1941. When he was born, his parents named him Raymond. He was given the name Maximilian when he joined the Conventual Franciscan Order.

I teach in a Catholic school, which was named after Kolbe when it was founded in 1989, just 4 years after his canonisation by Pope John Paul II. Kolbe Catholic College is situated in Rockingham, a southern suburb of Perth, Western Australia. Our school motto - Courage, Faith, Excellence - was drawn from his life. Our curriculum is meant to make the motto real for all of us, students and staff alike. Yesterday was a good example of how we do it.

Each year, we celebrate the Feast of St Maximilian Kolbe on the Friday closest to his official feast day. This year it was Friday the 13th!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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